Featured News
Understanding COVID-19: the Virus, the Science and Clinical Management
COVID-19 is still lurking around dangerously. Why don't you register and participate in this insightful seminar by some of Ghana's experts on COVID-19 research and management? Please click on the...
Virtual Symposium for endoscopists, endoscopic nurses.
Virtual Symposium for endoscopists, endoscopic nurses.
Seminar Series for our Nurses/Midwives
The University of Ghana Medical Centre Limited in collaboration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council is hosting a seminar series for Nurses and Midwives in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
100 staff of UGMC trained on excellent client service
One Hundred (100) clinical and administrative staff of the University of Ghana Medical Centre LTD (UGMC) have received training on how to deliver excellent client service.
Success goes beyond wealth – UGMC CEO
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the University of Ghana Medical Center LTD (UGMC), Dr. Darius Osei has advised the youth not to set wealth as a benchmark for success. When asked in an interview w...
Chinese Embassy and Community Donate to UGMC
The Chinese Embassy and Chinese Community in Ghana have donated BMC ReSmart CiPaP System ventilators; a Non-Invasive Portable Breathing Aid Machine, personal protective equipment and beverages worth G...
UGMC CovidConnect Service Garners 1000+ Users
The C.E.O. of the University of Ghana Medical Centre LTD (UGMC), Dr. Darius Osei has revealed that the innovative CovidConnect Service that the Centre recently partnered PharmAccess to launch on April...
The ‘Nightingale Challenge’ launched at UGMC
Twenty-One (21) Nursing staff of the University of Ghana Medical Centre LTD (UGMC), have undergone a leadership training programme as part of their preparations towards the ‘Nursing Now Nightingale Ch...
Battling COVID-19:UGMC and PharmAccess launch of CovidConnect Service
A cross-section of employees of the University of Ghana Medical Centre LTD (UGMC) comprising clinical and non-clinical staff have been trained on the signs and symptoms, mode of transmission, risk fac...
UGMC AND N&MC partner to train nurses
The University of Ghana Medical Centre LTD (UGMC) together with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Ghana (N & MC) have jointly organized a training exercise on the proper way to don and doff Persona...