Featured News
Launch of the Cervical Cancer Awareness Campaign
The launch of the UGMC Cervical Cancer awareness campaign comes off this Friday, 21st January 2022
Antimicrobial Resistance, the Silent Pandemic
The World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW) is celebrated annually globally from 18th to 24th November and the theme for this year’s celebration was, “Spread Awareness; Stop Resistance.” The WAAW we...
UGMC marks World Occupational Therapists Day
Occupational Therapy is a client-centered health profession and the role of these therapists is to support individuals to overcome the effects of decreased functioning caused by illness, aging and/ or...
UpSurge on Psychomotor Skills Training Course
Global Training Project 2021, UpSurge on Psychomotor Skills Training Course comes off at the University of Ghana Medical Centre Limited on the 6th of September 2021
Research Dissemination
As part of efforts to enhance the interest of all staff of the University of Ghana Medical Centre LTD (UGMC) in research, the Medical and Scientific Research Centre (MSRC) is organizing a four-week tr...
Choosing the appropriate statistical test for data analysis
As part of efforts to enhance the interest of all staff of the University of Ghana Medical Centre LTD (UGMC) in research, the Medical and Scientific Research Centre (MSRC) is organizing a four-week tr...
Data Management
As part of efforts to enhance the interest of all staff of the University of Ghana Medical Centre LTD (UGMC) in research, the Medical and Scientific Research Centre (MSRC) is organizing a four-week tr...
The Research protocol and IRB
As part of efforts to enhance the interest of all staff of the University of Ghana Medical Centre LTD (UGMC) in research, the Medical and Scientific Research Centre (MSRC) is organizing a four-week tr...
Ethical principles for health research II
As part of efforts to enhance the interest of all staff of the University of Ghana Medical Centre LTD (UGMC) in research, the Medical and Scientific Research Centre (MSRC) is organizing a four-week tr...
Ethical principles for health research I
As part of efforts to enhance the interest of all staff of the University of Ghana Medical Centre LTD (UGMC) in research, the Medical and Scientific Research Centre (MSRC) is organizing a four-week tr...
Collaborative research and research mentoring
As part of efforts to enhance the interest of all staff of the University of Ghana Medical Centre LTD(UGMC) in research, the Medical and Scientific Research Centre (MSRC) is organizing a four-week tr...
Introduction to human research and research types
As part of efforts to enhance the interest of all staff of the University of Ghana Medical Centre LTD (UGMC) in research, the Medical and Scientific Research Centre (MSRC) is organizing a four-week tr...