The UGMC Board

Julius Fobil is a Professor of Environmental Health with an outstanding academic career; having contributed significantly to the field of Environmental Epidemiology in Ghana and beyond. He has over hundred (>100) peer review publications in the field and has trained more than 80 students at undergraduate and doctoral levels, including postdoctoral fellows. He is a fellow of the Collegium Ramazzini, an academy of internationally renowned fellows in Environmental and Occupational Health and a Fellow of Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is the Provost of the University of Ghana’s College of Health Sciences; having previously served as Dean of its School of Public Health. Also currently serving as the Interim Director of the West Africa Centre for Global Environmental & Occupational Health, he is also an Associate Scientist at the Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine in Hamburg. His research focuses on environmental exposure assessment; including such assessments in the informal sector economy, urban environmental health in low-income economies and more recently, he has been involved in research capacity building in environmental and occupational health in West and Central Africa regions.