About the Centre

Dr. Kwame Anim-Boamah

  • Emergency and Diagnostics Block

    The Emergency and Diagnostics Block comprises of the following sub-units:

    Ground Floor


    • Triage
    • Emergency Department
    • Trauma
    • Emergency Ward
    • Surgical / Medical Laydown
    • Suture Room
    • Cast Room
    • Imaging

    • Imaging Department
    • CT Scan Room
    • Fluoroscopy Room
    • Mammography Room
    • Ultrasound Room
    • X-Ray Room
    • Review Room

    First Floor

    • Main Theatres
    • General Intensive Care Unit (GICU)
    • Recovery

    Second Floor

    • Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD)
    • Medical Laboratory Department

    • Haematology
    • Biochemistry
    • Biochemistry
    • Microbiology
    • Blood Bank
  • Women and Children Block

    The Women and Children Block comprises of the following sub-units:

    Ground Floor

    • Maternity High-Risk Ward
    • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
    • Labour and Delivery Rooms
    • Obstetrics and Gynaecology Theatres
    • Gynaecology Ward

    First Floor

    • Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
    • Paediatric Ward
  • OPD and Administration Block

    The Outpatient and Administration Block comprises of the following sub-units:

    Ground Floor

    • Holding and Recovery
    • Treatment and Day Care
    • Clinics

    • Pain Clinic
    • Day Surgery
    • Dermatology Clinic
    • Gynaecology Clinic
    • Paediatric Clinic
    • ENT Clinic
    • Neurology Clinic (EEG and EMG)
    • Cardiology Clinic
    • Ophthalmology Clinic
    • Urology Clinic
    • Gastroenterology Clinic
    • Internal Medicine Clinic
    • General Surgery
    • Orthopaedic Clinic

    First Floor

    Hospitala Administration

    • Reception
    • CEO’s Office & Secretariat
    • Human Resources
    • Administration
    • Directors’ Office
    • Information Technology Office
    • Customer Service and Public Relations
    • Accounts
    • Audit
    • Conference Rooms
  • Patient Tower

    The Patient Tower comprises of the following sub-units:

    Ground Floor

    • Orthopaedic Department
    • Physiotherapy Department
    • General Surgery Department

    First Floor

    • Cardiology Ward
    • Paediatric Surgery Ward

    Second Floor

    • Internal Medicine A and B Wards

    Third Floor

    • Internal Medicine C Ward
    • Urology Ward
    • ENT Ward
  • Medical Simulation and Training Centre

    Medical Simulation Technology is the future of health care education and is currently used in training programmes for both expert and novice health practitioners as well as for the training of non-health practitioners.

    Scope of Training

    • Pre-service training (Undergraduate students, including elective students)
    • Postgraduate health professional training for higher professional qualifications
    • Health professionals in practice
    • Corporate organisations
    • Training Modules
  • Housing Block

  • Other sub-units

    In addition to what has been stated above, there are additional sub-units directly under our general healthcare delivery centre

    • Morgue
    • Pharmacy Warehouse
    • Maintenance Unit
    • Kitchen
    • Laundry


    Healthcare Delivery

    Service Delivery

    Our goal here is to promote favourable healthcare outcomes through innovative, customer-centered, cost-effective and high quality processes. By keeping healthcare providers and patients motivated, we inch closer to realizing these goals.

    Simulation Centre

    Medical Training & Simulation

    The centre invests significantly in the production of first-class medical scholars, sub-specialty faculty and skilled professionals at the highest standards as in best institutions in the world. Our pedagogy and curricula are crafted to meet this goal.

    Healthcare Delivery


    The centre will facilitate teaching and research at the College of Health Sciences and other professional institutions such as the the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons, etc.