The Operations Directorate of the University of Ghana Medical Centre, UGMC coordinates the activities of the Centre’s human, financial and material resources. The Directorate is responsible for the management of administrative and financial functions of the Centre. The Directorate leads in the development of plans, programmes, policies and guidelines for the smooth functioning of the Centre and ensures an effective and efficient clinical and administrative environment to deliver the best patient-centered care to our cherished clients.
Our Mission
In consonance with the mission of UGMC to provide premium health care by highly skilled and motivated staff through innovation and integration in specialty level (quaternary) service delivery, education of health professionals, and research the Operations Directorate is committed to working effectively with other directorates, departments and units to promote and ensure the highest quality of service delivery to our clients (both internal and external) through the following:
- Development of plans, programme, policies and guidelines for the smooth functioning of the Medical Centre and to create a conducive and innovative working environment.
- Ensuring the effective implementation of the plans, programmes and policies to enable UGMC to attain the enviable status of the best Medical Center in Africa.
- Helping to set, monitor and evaluate the performances of various departments and units under the Operations Directorate and other directorates using key performance indicators (KPIs) and robust appraisal systems to ensure target requirements/objectives are met.
- Implementation of the UGMC Risk Management Policy
- Liaising with Management of the Medical Centre on how to judiciously run UGMC to deliver world-class health care to our cherished clients.
- Supervising departments and units under the Directorate to ensure a conducive and safe working environment for both external and internal clients/staff (clinicians and non-clinicians).
Functions/Role of the Directorate
- Sustain sound administrative structures and maintain accurate record-keeping and financial transactions in all aspects of the Institution.
- Procure best quality goods, services, works and consultancies from credible sources to boost productivity and services rendered by the Centre.
- Help develop and conduct effective recruitment strategies to identify, hire, train and maintain the best employees for the Institution.
- Help develop, plan, research into, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of policies implemented and draw inferences for future review and redress.
- Ensure strict adherence to all healthcare and hospital protocols to safeguard and protect clients‘ personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Act, 2012 (Act 843).
- Ensure the implementation of a robust and effective ICT infrastructure as the tool and backbone for the smooth operations of the Centre.
- Analyse trends in the allocation and disbursement of funds within UGMC.
- Help ensure that accurate data is maintained for all medical records with the aid of HealthPro software.
- Develop proposals to partner with other credible Institutions for the benefit of all parties involved.
- Help initiate programmes and policies to enhance the career development of staff.
- Manage internal investigations and conflict situations, especially within the units and departments under the Operations Directorate and generally at the Centre.
- Effectively respond to issues from external regulatory agencies and collaborating organizations.
- Develop and define clear client service standards to ensure prompt de-escalation of complex and tensed moments that may arise in both the clinical and administrative environments of the Centre.
- Develop a risk register for the Centre and oversee its quarterly review to include any newly identified risks within the period.
- To develop and disseminate relevant education in business communication for staff in relation to the requirements of the existing health and regulatory environment as well as the quest by UGMC to create a niche for itself in the areas of professionalism, efficient health service delivery, training and research in the West African hub and beyond.
- Develop and offer well balanced and holistic approach of care to clients without discrimination.
- Provide quality care, support, advocacy and counselling in collaboration with all departments and promote equity of opportunities in a nurturing environment.
Departments and Units
- Procurement Department
- Client Services Department
- Information and Communication Technology Department
- Health Information Department
- Policy, Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation Department
- Social Welfare Unit
Working Hours
- 8am – 4pm, Mondays to Fridays
Intercom Lines - General Office

Mrs. Lucy B. Ofori-Ayeh
Director of Operations